Resipi Untuk Masak Swiss Roll Tembikai Yang Mudah Dan Sedap

Delicious, fresh, simple, sedap, tasty and healthy food resipi.

Halo kawan-kawan, pembaca kami akan menulis cara untuk menyediakan dan memasak makanan yang boleh anda sendiri sendiri di rumah, tentu saja, dengan cara yang mudah dan sederhana, tetapi dengan rasa yang enak, mari kita teruskan dan melihat bagaimana hidangan berikut dibuat.

Swiss Roll Tembikai. This cake roll required more testing than usual because I was SO torn between using butter vs oil, cocoa powder vs melted chocolate, as well as the perfect amount of flour. Fluffy sponge cake rolled up with fresh matcha cream in the middle, this Matcha Swiss Roll will be an instant favorite this holiday season! A Swiss roll, jelly roll, roll cake, or cream roll, or Swiss log, is a type of sponge cake roll filled with whipped cream, jam, or icing.

Swiss Roll Tembikai I'll show you how to make an easy and impressive Swiss Roll Cake recipe with a gorgeous design that anyone I've received a lot of request from you for a Swiss Roll Cake so this week I'm making a BIG. Jelly roll/Swiss roll art has taken the baking world by storm, thanks to the creativity of Japanese Swiss Roll Cakes, Swiss Cake, Elegant Desserts, Cute Desserts, Macaron Sweet, Rainbow Sugar. Chinese swiss rolls are the lighter, Asian-style variation on a more traditional swiss roll. Kalian dapat Punya Swiss Roll Tembikai using 18 ramuan dan 9 langkah langkah. Berikut kalian masak itu.

Ramuan Swiss Roll Tembikai

  1. Prepare of Bahan2 A.
  2. It's 80 gm of butter-dicairkan.
  3. Prepare 110 ml (1/2 cawan) of susu cair.
  4. It's 85 gm (3/4 cawan) of tepung gandum*.
  5. It's 15 gm of (1 1/2 sudu bsr) susu cair*.
  6. Prepare of secubit garam halus*.
  7. You need of (bahan2 bertanda di ayak).
  8. Prepare 6 of biji kuning telur gred A.
  9. Prepare 1 sudu teh of esen vanila/pandan (saya guna red velvet emulco).
  10. You need of pewarna merah & hijau.
  11. Prepare of coklat rice.
  12. Prepare of Bahan2 B (Meringue).
  13. You need 6 of biji putih telur gred A.
  14. It's 1 sudu teh of cream of tartar.
  15. It's 110 gm (1/2 cawan) of gula kastor.
  16. Prepare of Bahan2 Hiasan.
  17. You need of jem strawberi.
  18. You need of Non dairy whipping cream-dipukul hingga kental.

Swiss roll is one of many popular cakes in our family. Rolling the cake is also a challenge. Many people find that baking this swiss roll is not difficult, but rolling a beautiful Swiss roll is quite. Our easy chocolate Swiss roll recipe is a classic!

Swiss Roll Tembikai langkah

  1. (A) Kacau butter cair yg masih suam dgn susu cair menggunakan whisk. Masukkan bahan2 di ayak. Kacau rata.
  2. Masukkan kuning telur sebiji demi sebiji sambil kacau rata. Masukkan perisa yg disukai. Ketepikan dulu.
  3. (B) Meringue- Pukul semua bahan2 hingga soft peak. Kemudian campurkan ke dlm adunan kuning telur (A) tadi secara 3 peringkat sambil kaup balikkan.
  4. Bahagikan adunan kpd 3 bahagian. Adunan merah lebih banyak drp adunan hijau & putih. Adunan hijau & putih sama banyak. Adunan merah dicampur dgn coklat rice. Masukkan semua adunan ke dlm piping bag.
  5. Alas loyang 28x28x4 dgn baking paper. Panaskan oven dulu pd suhu 170•c.
  6. Utk kulit tembikai picit adunan hijau ke atas loyang secara nipis & ratakan. Kemudian, picit adunan putih utk kulit dlm tembikai secara nipis jgk. Akhir sekali, picit adunan merah agak tebal. Ketuk2 loyang utk ratakan.
  7. Bakar api atas bawah pd suhu 170•c selama 15 minit. Kemudian turunkan suhu pd suhu 150•c & bakar selama 20 minit lagi.
  8. Setelah masak, terbalikkan kek ke atas baking paper baru. Tanggalkan baking paper yg melekat pd kek. Kemudian, terbalikkan semula kek. Sapu jem & fresh cream. Gulung kemas dgn menggunakan baking paper baru tadi.
  9. Simpan dlm peti ais 1-2 jam. Keluarkan. Ambil pencungkil gigi celup ke dlm pewarna hijau & lorekkan bentuk corak tembikai pd luar kek.

A wide variety of swiss roll cakes options are available to you, such as flavor, packaging, and type. Hierarchical clustering: structured vs unstructured ward¶. Swiss roll is made by rolling a thin sheet of sponge cake spread with jam into a log shape. The French Bûche de Noël, a Swiss roll covered in rich chocolate frosting and made to resemble a tree. Swiss rolls are a classic dessert and they're much easier to make than most people expect!